Elijah's Preparation For Prayer And Prayer
have already had three remarkable instances, in Elijah’s history, of the
efficacy of the fervent prayer of the righteous man. First, “He prayed
earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space
of three years and six months.” Secondly, he prayed for the restoration of the
widow’s son, and the child was restored to life. Thirdly, he prayed for the
answer by fire to consume the sacrifice, and to decide the controversy with
Baal and his priests. And now we have him praying again, and the heaven gives
rain, and the land once more brings forth her fruit. Let us here learn the
blessing of walking with God, and conversing with the Keeper of Israel by
continual prayer.
Kings, 18:41-46.
fire has borne its testimony; the waters now speak. In how many and various
ways does our gracious God testify of Himself, that He is the living God of
providence. This also, is done in answer to the prayer of Elijah.
is, I. The preparation for prayer; II.
The prayer itself;
We are to imagine ourselves at the foot of Mount Carmel, in the plain below,
where the prophets of Baal were slain. Those idolatrous priests have fallen by
the hand of Elijah and his new followers, and their blood is mingled with the
brook Kishon; and praise redounds to God, who is holy in all His ways, and who
is glorified by the overthrow of His enemies, as well as by the hallelujahs of
His friends.
and a half years had the heavens been shut up from yielding a drop of water to
the thirsty land of Israel. What an appearance must the face of the country now
have presented! All vegetation parched and burnt up; man and beast reduced to
skeletons, and all flesh faded like the grass. They who had now become
believers in God must have been filled with unusual terror. They had attained
to the knowledge of Him amidst the thunders of His judgments; He had appeared
as in flames of fire.
for the sake of these poor trembling sheep, our prophet was heartily desirous
that his Lord and God should again show His goodness and loving-kindness. He
longed earnestly, that for the glory of God and the people’s good the brazen
skies should now dissolve in abundance of rain, and the season of famine and
distress terminate. For this purpose it was necessary that Elijah should speak
to God. The prayer of faith was to him what the staff was to Moses, with which
he divided the Red Sea, and struck the water from the flinty rock.
II. When
Elijah had wrestled awhile with God in the depth of self-abasement and poverty
of spirit, in a manner which perhaps few of us know from experience-for all
believers do not tread in a path of such a deep and thorough humiliation-he
said unto his servant,, “Go up now,” that is, to the declivity of the mountain,
“and look towards the sea!” He placed him, as it were, on the watch-tower, to
look out and inform him when his prayer was beginning to be answered by a sign
of rain becoming visible in the distant horizon. He came back, and said, “I see
nothing.” But it is a matter of daily experience, that help does not appear at
the first cry, nor is the harvest reaped the moment after the sowing time of
prayer. This is certainly not agreeable to flesh and blood; but spiritually
considered, it is very salutary. What would be the consequences, if God’s
treasures were always open to us at our first knocking? Should we not then seem
to be rulers and commanders in the city of God and forget our dependent
condition? Should we not be in danger of making an idol out of our prayer, as
the Israelites made of the brazen serpent, and think it is our prayer that
effects all: that in it we possess a secret charm, a divine rod, or a legal
claim upon the bounty of God? We should soon become self-sufficient. Therefore
our gracious God does not always appear to hearken to the first cry, but lets
us generally stand awhile at the door, so that once and again we are obliged to
say, “I see nothing.” We ought to reflect a little, and become deeply conscious
that we have , in reality, nothing to claim, but that all is unmerited favor.
If we make our first approach to His footstool in the character of just
persons, He keeps us back until we feel that we are poor sinners, unworthy
petitioners; and are ready to say, “Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs
which fall from their Master’s table.” Such is His method.
it stimulated the prophet’s ardor-it animated him to wrestle the more earnestly
with God-it made him still, less and less in his own eyes, and drew forth
deeper and deeper sighs from his contrite soul. How would his fervor in prayer
thus augment from one minute to another! To obtain a speedy hearing is much
more agreeable to our natural feelings, but waiting long is far more beneficial
for us. Those are the most blessed spots on the face of the earth where prayer
is wont to be made with the greatest fervency and perseverance. During this
process of persevering prayer our corrupt nature receives the most painful and
deadly blows; the heart is then most thoroughly broken up, and prepared for the
good seed of the word; the remains of self-love are then demolished the most
effectually; the chambers of imagery are then most properly cleansed; the
foundation of truth in the soul is laid deep, and when the answer comes at
length, how great is the joy!”
Elijah by F. W. Krummacher
(1796-1868) Published by Summit
Books MI, USA Reprinted
1977 Pages 138-148
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