rare and uncommon is true brotherly love! This is a lesson which stands out
prominently on the face of the narrative before our eyes. Our Lord tells us of
a traveler who fell among thieves and was left naked, wounded and half dead on
the road. He then tells us of a priest and a Levite who, one after the other,
came travelling that way, saw the poor wounded man, but gave him no help. Both
were men who from their office and profession ought to have been ready and
willing to do good to one in distress. But both in succession were too
unselfish or unfeeling to offer the slightest assistance. They doubtless
reasoned with themselves that they knew nothing of the wounded traveler, that
he had perhaps got into trouble by his own misconduct, that they had not time to stop to help him and that they had
enough to do to mind their own business without troubling themselves with
strangers. And the result was that, one after another, they both passed by the
other side.
have in this striking description an exact picture of what is continually
happening in the world. Selfishness is the leading characteristic of the great
majority of mankind. That cheap charity that costs no more than a trifling
subscription or contribution is common enough. But that self-sacrificing kindness
of heart which cares not what trouble is entailed, so long a s good can be
done, is a grace which is rarely met with. There are still thousands in trouble
who find no friend or helper. And there are still hundreds of ‘priests and
Levites’ who see them, but pass by on the other side.
us beware of expecting too much from the kindness of man. If we do, we shall
certainly be disappointed. The longer we live, the more clearly we see that few
people care for others except from interested motives, and that unselfish,
disinterested, pure brotherly love is as scarce as diamonds and rubies. How
thankful we ought to be that the Lord Jesus Christ is not like man! His
kindness and love are unfailing. He never disappoints any of His friends.”
“The only person who helped the wounded traveler of whom we are reading was a
certain Samaritan. This man was one of a nation who had ‘no dealings’ with the
Jews (John 4:9). He might gave excused
himself by saying that the road from Jerusalem to Jericho was through Jewish
territory and that cases of distress ought to be dealt with by the Jews. But he
does nothing of the sort. He sees a man stripped of his clothes and lying half
dead. He asks no questions but at once gives aid. Our Lord requires his example
to be followed (v. 37).
if these words mean anything, a Christian ought to be ready to show kindness
and brotherly love to everyone that is in need. Our kindness must not merely
extend to our families, friends, and relations. We must love all men and be
kind to all, whenever occasion requires. We must beware of excessive strictness
in scrutinizing the past lives of those who need our aid. Are they in real
trouble? Are they in real distress? Do they really want help? Then according to
the teaching of this parable we ought to be ready to assist them. We should
regard the whole world as our parish and then the whole race of mankind as our
neighbors. We should seek to be the friend of everyone who is oppressed, or
neglected, or afflicted, or sick, or in prison, or poor, or an orphan, or a
heathen, or starving, or dying. We should exhibit such worldwide friendship, no
doubt, wisely, discreetly and with good sense, but of such friendship we need
never be ashamed. The ungodly may sneer at it as extravagance and fanaticism.
But we need not mind that. To be friendly to all men in this way is to show
something of the mind that was in Christ.
few Christians seem to remember that such a parable was ever written! What an
enormous amount of stinginess, meanness, ill-nature and suspicion there is to
be seen in the church! How seldom we see a man who is really kind, feeling,
generous, liberal and good-natured except to himself and his children!”
-From J.C. Ryle’s (1816-1900) Expository
Thoughts; Found in Daily Readings From All Four Gospels Published by Evangelical Press Auburn, MA
2001 August 2 and 3 Devotions
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