Part 2-“Seven Supernatural Virtues in
Christ’s Blood
5. Christ’s blood cools the heart. First,
it cools the heart of sin. The heart naturally is full of distempered heat. It
must be hot, being set on fire of hell. It burns in lust and passion. Christ’s
blood allays this heart and quenches the inflammation of sin. Second, it cools
the heat of conscience. In time of desertion, conscience burns with the heat of
God’s displeasure. Now, Christ’s blood, being sprinkled upon the conscience,
cools and purifies it. And, in this sense, Christ is compared to a river of
water (Isaiah 32:2). When the heart burns and is in agony, Christ’s blood is
like water to the fire. It has a cooling, refreshing virtue in
6. Christ’s blood comforts the soul. It is
good against fainting fits. Christ’s blood is better than wine. Though wine
cheers the heart of a man who is well, yet it will not cheer his heart when he
has a fit of the stone or when the pangs of death are upon him. But Christ’s
blood will cheer the heart at such a time. It is best in affliction. It cures
the trembling of the heart.
A conscience sprinkled with Christ’s
blood can, like the nightingale, sing with a thorn at its breast. The blood of
Christ can make a prison become a palace. It turned the martyr’s flames into
beds of roses. Christ’s blood gives comfort at the hour of death. As a holy man
once said on his deathbed when they brought him a cordial, “No cordial like the
blood of Christ!”
7. Christ’s blood procures heaven. Israel
passed through the Red Sea to Canaan. So, through the red sea of Christ’s blood,
we enter into the heavenly Canaan. “Having boldness therefore to enter into the
holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Hebrews 10:19). Our sins shut heaven; Christ’s
blood is the key which opens the gate of paradise for us. Hence it is that
Theodoret calls the cross the tree of salvation because that blood which
trickled down the cross distils salvation. Well, then, may we prize the blood of
Christ and, with Paul, determine to know nothing but Christ crucified (1
Corinthians 2:2). King’s crowns are only crosses, but the cross of Christ is the
only crown.
BRANCH 3. Does Christ offer His body
and blood to us in the Supper? Then with what solemn preparation should we come
to so sacred an ordinance! It is not enough to do what God has appointed, but as He has appointed. “Prepare your
hearts unto the Lord” (1 Samuel 7:3). The musician first puts his instrument in
tune before he plays. The heart must be prepared and put in tune before it goes
to meet with God in this solemn ordinance of the sacrament. Take heed of
rashness and irreverence. If we do not come prepared, we do not drink but spill
Christ’s blood. “Whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord
unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.” (1 Corinthians
11:27). “That is,” said Theophylact, “he shall be judged a shedder of Christ’s
blood.” We read of a wine cup of fury in God’s hand (Jeremiah 25:15). He that
comes unprepared for the Lord’s Supper turns the cup in the sacrament into a cup
of fury.
Oh, with what reverence and devotion
should we address ourselves to these holy mysteries! The saints are called
“prepared vessels” (Romans 9:23). If ever these vessels should be prepared, it
is when they are to hold the precious body and blood of Christ. The sinner who
is damned is first prepared. Men do not go to hell without some kind of
preparation. “Vessels fitted for destruction” (Romans 9:22). If those vessels
are prepared which are filled with wrath, much more are those to be prepared who
are to receive Christ in the sacrament. Let us dress ourselves by a Scripture
glass before we come to the Lord’s Table and, with the Lamb’s wife, make
ourselves ready.”
Thomas Watson’s (1620 – 1686) ‘The Mystery of the Lord’s
Supper’ based on Matthew 26: 26-28
Printed by Soli Deo Gloria Publications
Morgan, PA 1997 Pages
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