Thursday, 9 June 2016


Ephesians 6:10, 11  Be Strong in the Lord

“Here is a general agreement to constancy in our Christian way, and to courage in our Christian warfare. Is not our life a warfare? It is so; for we struggle with the common calamities of human life. Is not our religion much more a warfare? It is so; for we struggle with the opposition of the powers of darkness, and with many enemies who would keep us from God and heaven.

If Christians are soldiers of Jesus Christ, they must see that they are strong in the Lord. Those who have so many battles to fight, and who, in their way to heaven, must dispute every pass, by means of the sword, have need of a great deal of courage. Be strong for service, strong for suffering, strong for fighting. Let a soldier be ever so well armed externally, if he does not have within a good heart, his armor will stand him in little stead.

Be strong in the Lord. We have no sufficient strength of our own. Our natural courage is as perfect cowardice, and our natural strength as perfect weakness; but all of our sufficiency is of God.
‘Put on the whole armor of God, v. 11, make use of all the proper defenses and weapons for repelling the temptations and stratagems of Satan-get and exercise all the Christian graces, the whole armor, no part be naked and exposed to the enemy.

It is called the armor of God, because He both prepares and bestows it. We have no armor of our own that will be armor of proof in a trying time. Nothing will stand us in stead but His armor. The armor is prepared for us, but we must put it on.
The reason why the Christian should be completely armed is that he may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil-that he may be able to hold out, and to overcome in spite of all the devil’s assaults, all the deceits he puts upon us, all the snares he lays for us, and all his machinations against us.”

-Matthew Henry  Expositor, Commentator, Minister  1662-1714

From, A Closer Walk with God; Daily Readings from Matthew Henry; compiled by Martin Manser; (Daybreak Books—Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; 1987), Page 107.