Friday, 24 October 2014


The Excellency of Christ, Love

“God and Christ appear in the gospel revelation, as being clothed in love; as sitting as it were on a throne of mercy and grace, a seat of love, encompassed about with the sweet beams of love. Love is the light and glory that is round about the throne on which God is seated. This seems to be intended in the vision the apostle John, that loving and loved disciple, had of God in the isle of Patmos (Rev. iv. 3)—“And there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald;” that is, round about the throne on which God was sitting. So that God appeared to him, as he sat on his throne, as encompassed with a circle of sweet and pleasant light, like the beautiful colours of the rainbow, and like an emerald, which is a precious stone of exceeding pleasant and beautiful colour—thus representing that the light and glory with which God appears surrounded in the gospel, is especially the glory of his love and covenant-grace, for the rainbow was given to Noah as a token of both of these. Therefore, it is plain that this spirit, even a spirit of love, is the spirit that the gospel revelation does especially hold forth motives and inducements to; and this is especially and eminently the Christian spirit—the right spirit of the gospel.

Second, If it is indeed so, that all that is saving and distinguishing in a true Christian, is summarily comprehended in love, then professors of Christianity may in this be taught as to their experiences, whether they are real Christian experiences or not. If they are so, then love is the sum and substance of them. If persons have the true light of heaven let into their souls, it is not a light without heat. Divine knowledge and divine love go together. A spiritual view of divine things always excites love in the soul, and draws forth the heart in love to every proper object. True discoveries of the divine character dispose us to love God as the supreme good; they unite the heart in love to Christ; they incline the soul to flow out in love to God’s people, and to all mankind. When persons have a true discovery of the excellency and sufficiency of Christ, this is the effect. When they experience a right belief of the truth of the gospel, such a belief is accompanied by love. They love him whom they believe to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. When the truth of the glorious doctrines and promises of the gospel is seen, these doctrines and promises are like so many cords which take hold of the heart, and draw it out in love to God and Christ. When persons experience a true trust and reliance on Christ, they rely on him with love, and so do it with delight and sweet acquiescence of soul. The spouse sat under Christ’s shadow with great delight, and rested sweetly under his protection, because she loved him (Cant. ii. 2). When persons experience true comfort and spiritual joy, their joy is the joy of faith and love. They do not rejoice in themselves, but it is God who is their exceeding joy.
Third, This doctrine shews the amiableness of a Christian spirit. A spirit of love is an amiable spirit. It is the spirit of Jesus Christ—it is the spirit of heaven.
Fourth, This doctrine shews the pleasantness of a Christian life. A life of love is a pleasant life. Reason and the Scriptures alike teach us, that “happy is the man that findeth wisdom,” and that “her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are paths of peace” (Prov. iii. 13, 17).

Fifth, Hence we may learn the reason why contention tends so much to the ruin of religion. The Scriptures tell us that it has this tendency—“Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work” (James iii. 16). And so we find it by experience. When contention comes into a place, it seems to prevent all good. And if religion has been flourishing before, it presently seems to chill and deaden it; and everything that is bad begins to flourish. And in the light of our doctrine, we may plainly see the reason of all this; for contention is directly against that which is the very sum of all that is essential and distinguishing in true Christianity, even a spirit of love and peace. No wonder, therefore, that Christianity cannot flourish in a time of strife and contention among its professors. No wonder that religion and contention cannot live together.”

-From CHARITY AND ITS FRUITS, Christian love as manifested in the heart and life, by Jonathan Edwards (Banner of Truth Trust, London; first published 1852; first Banner of Truth Trust Edition 1969; Reprinted by photolithography by Billing & Sons Limited, Guildford and London); Pages 20-23.

Thursday, 9 October 2014


Humility-Puritan Thoughts

Humility is the repentance of pride.
Nehemiah Rogers

Humility is both a grace and a vessel to receive grace.                                                                                          
John Trapp

Pride is a sinner’s torment, but humility is a saint’s ornament.
William Secker

The best of God’s people have abhorred themselves. Like the spire of a steeple, we are least at the highest.
Thomas Manton

Many are humbled, but not humble, low, but not lowly.
John Trapp

When the corn is nearly ripe it bows the head and stoops lower than when it was green. When the people of God are near ripe for heaven, they grow more humble and self-denying…Paul had one foot in heaven when he called himself the chiefest of sinners and the least of saints.
John Flavel

Humility is a necessary veil to all other graces.
William Gurnall

Humility doth no more require that a wise man think his knowledge equal with a fool's, or ignorant man's, than that a sound man take himself to be sick.
Richard Baxter

By humility I mean not the abjectness of a base mind; but a prudent care not to over-value ourselves upon any account.
Obadiah Grew

To affect obscurity or submission is base and suspicious; but that man, whose modesty presents him mean to his own eyes and lowly to others, is commonly secretly rich in virtue. Give me rather a low fullness than an empty advancement.
Joseph Hall

A sight of God's glory humbles. The stars vanish when the sun appears.
Thomas Watson

Humility wrestleth with God, like Jacob, and wins by yielding.
Thomas Adams

In spiritual graces let us study to be great, and not to know it.
Thomas Adams

Let us take care to be and to do as we should, and then for noise and report, let it be good or ill as God will send it.... If we seek to be in the mouths of men, to dwell in the talk and speech of men, God will abhor us.... Therefore let us labour to be good in secret. Christians should be as minerals, rich in the depth of the earth.
Richard Sibbes

Four reasons written in the heart of an humble saint:
(1) When he looks upon another that is a sinner, he considereth that he has been worse than he.
(2) A humble heart thinks himself to be worse still.
(3) It is God that hath made it and not anything in himself.
(4) He considereth that the vilest sinner may be, in God's good time, better than he.
Walter Cradock

Well, Christians, remember this, God hath two strings to His bow; if your hearts will not lie humble and low under the sense of sin and misery, He will make them lie low under the lack of some desired mercy.
Thomas Brooks

Humility is a strange flower; it grows best in winter weather, or storms of affliction.
Samuel Rutherford

We were earth, we are flesh, and we shall be worm's meat.
Henry Smith

As Christ ceased not to be a King because He was like a servant, nor to be a lion because He was like a lamb, nor to be God because He was made man, nor to be a judge because He was judged! So a man doth not lose his honour by humility, but he shall be honoured for his humility.
Henry Smith

If you lay yourself at Christ’s feet He will take you into His arms.
William Bridge

A humble man hath this advantage of a proud man, he cannot fall.
Edward Marbury

A humble sinner is in a better condition than a proud angel.
Thomas Watson

God's choice acquaintances are humble men.

Robert Leighton