Saturday, 20 July 2013



Distinctive of God:
God is perfectly good. All the perfection we can arrive at in this life is sincerity. We may resemble God a little, but not equal Him; He is infinitely perfect. Thomas Watson

Goal of the saints:
This is the sum of all; for he which can abstain not only from evil, but from the appearance of evil, is so perfect as a man can be in this sinful life. Henry Smith

This life was not intended to be the place of perfection, but the preparation for it. Richard Baxter

A prayer of the saints:
O good God, guide me by Thy holy hand, that I may keep myself within the lists of Christianity, being modest in apparel, moderate (in) diet, chaste and temperate in speech, sober in fashion and my ordinary deportment, respective to my superiors, amiable to my equals, without pride and insolency towards those that are below me, courteous and affable and yet without vanity and popularity towards all. Samuel Hieron"

-From A Puritan Golden Treasury Complied by I.D.E. Thomas Published by The Banner of Truth Trust Carlisle, PA 1997 Page 207

Friday, 12 July 2013


“A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NKJV

We have been thrilled and blessed to see the Lord’s work in Church Planting over the years. At the time of this writing we’ve seen that over 150 churches and fellowships have been planted  in 7 African countries. Our part has been primarily to teach, train, encourage and disciple while our African friends have done the evangelism, planting and nurturing. One of our good friends, Pastor Aninias Irungu, has caught the vision and is actively teaching and encouraging fellow pastors to plant churches and has planted several churches himself. A friend of his, Mzee (which is a respectful word that means elder or older person and communicates due respect for elders), shared with us that he has dreamed of planting a church on his land in Adjumani in Northern Uganda for about 25 years. Mzee is a deacon in his church and he has attended our ACTION Pastor Training Fellowships. We all began to pray for Mzee and he began to tell us that he wanted our assistance to start the church soon and that his son who has attended a Bible College will pastor the church. Pastor Aninias and Mzee plan to travel to Adjumani for a week and encourage the new church which has begun meeting under a tree on Mzee’s land. The first meeting of the church was about 2 weeks ago and 3 people professed faith in the Lord then. Mzee has shared with us that our Lord has answered his prayer and given him his heart desire after 25 years and that wonderfully now; there is a church on his land which praises the glories and excellences of our Savior, the dear Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! Mzee planned his way and the Lord has directed his steps all in the Lord’s perfect time. He is obviously quite happy about this turn of events and thanks the Lord that this has happened. He and his wife plan to move home to Adjumani after many years of living in Kampala and now he will worship in the church located on his homeland.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


Ordinary Ministry Brings Extraordinary Results

“Watch over your own spirit and cast not away your confidence.

Then, zealously, in dependence upon God, do the little you can do; do it well and keep on doing it. You and I are not called upon to regulate the world nor to stay the raging sea of human sin. Let us not attempt to wield the divine scepter; it befits us not. Naturally, you would like to set all people rights, and make all preachers orthodox. But, my brother, the task is beyond you. Be careful to be right yourself in your own life, and be resolution  to bear your complete, honest, obedient testimony to all truth you know; and there leave the business, for you are not responsible beyond your possibilities.

No one of us is much more than an emmet on its little hill. Now, if yon tiny ant were to indulge in serious reflections upon the state of London, and forget to assist in the labors of the insect common wealth, it would be a foolish creature; but if it will let those great matters alone, and go on doing its ant-work, as an ant, it will fill its little sphere, and answer the purposes of its maker. A mother teaching her little ones, and doing all she can to bring them up in the fear of God; a humble village pastor with his score or two of people around him; a teacher with her dozen children; a quiet Christian women in her domestic circle bearing her godly testimony; a young man speaking for Jesus to other young men-there is nothing very ambitious about the sphere of any of these, but they are wise in the sight of the Lord. Leave the reins in the hand of the Maker of the universe and then do what He has given you to do, in His fear, by His Spirit, and, more will come of it than you dare to hope.

We are like coral insects building each one his minute portion of a structure far down in the deeps of obscurity. We cannot as yet war with those vaunted ironclads which sweep the ocean, and hurl destruction upon cities; and yet-who knows? We may build and build until we pile up a reef upon which the proudest navies may be wrecked. By the steady, simple, honest, Christian up building of holiness and truth,-defying no one, attacking no one, we may nevertheless create a situation which will be eminently perilous to the boastful craft of falsehood and skepticism. A holy, earnest gospel church is a grand wrecker of susperstitution and infidelity. The life of God in man, patience in suffering, perseverance in well dong, faithfulness to truth, prayer in the Holy Ghost, supreme zeal for the divine glory, and unstaggering faith in the unseen God;  these are our battle-axe and weapons of war; and, by the aid of the Holy Ghost, we shall win the battle ere the day comes to its close. Till then, O Lord, when our heart is overwhelmed, lead us to the rock which is higher than were are!”

-C.H. Spurgeon from Only A Prayer Meeting  Published by Christian Focus Publications Scotland  2006.