we may set the higher value upon the blood of Christ, I shall show you seven
rare supernatural virtues in it:
1. It is a reconciling blood. “You that were sometime alienated, and enemies, yet now
hath He reconciled through death” (Colossians 1:21). Christ’s blood is the
blood of atonement. Nay, it is not only a sacrifice but a propitiation (1 John
2:2), which denotes a bringing us into favor with God. It is one thing for a
traitor to be pardoned, and another thing to be brought into favor. Sin rent us
off from God; Christ’s blood cements us to God. If we had had as much grace as
the angels, it could not have wrought our reconciliation. If we had offered up
millions of holocausts and sacrifices, if we had wept rivers of tears, this
could never have appeased an angry Deity. Only Christ’s blood ingratiates us
into God’s favor and makes Him look upon us with a smiling aspect. When Christ
died, the veil of the temple was rent. This was not without a mystery, to show
that through Christ’s blood the veil of our sins is rent which interposed
between God and us.
2. Christ’s blood is a quickening blood.
“Whoso drinketh my blood, hath eternal life” (John 6:54). It both begets life
and prevents death. “The life of a thing is in the blood.” (Leviticus 17:11).
Sure enough, the life of our soul is in the blood of Christ. When we contract
deadness of heart, and are like wine that has lost the spirits, Christ’s blood
has an elevating power; it puts vivacity into us, making us quick and lively in
our motion. “They shall mount up on wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31).
3. Christ’s blood is a cleansing blood.
“How much more shall the blood of Christ purge your conscience!” (Hebrews
9:14). As the merit of Christ’s blood pacifies God, so the virtue of it
purifies us. It is the king of heaven’s bath. It is a laver to wash in. It
washes crimson sinner milk white. “The blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all our
sin” (1 John 1:7). The Word of God is a looking glass to show us our spots, and
the blood of Christ is a fountain to wash them away (Zechariah 13:1).
this blood will not wash if it is mingled with anything. If new go to mingle
anything with Christ’s blood, either the merits of saints or the prayers of
angels, it will not wash. Let Christ’s blood be pure and unmixed, and there is
no spot that it will wash away. It purged out Noah’s drunkenness and Lot’s
incest. Indeed, there is one spot so black that Christ’s blood does not wash
away, and that is the sin against the Holy Ghost. Not but there is virtue
enough in Christ’s blood to wash it away, but he who has sinned this sin will
not be washed. He condemns Christ’s blood and tramples it under foot (Hebrews
4. Christ’s blood is a softening blood.
There is nothing so hard but may be softened by this blood. It will soften a
stone. Water will soften the earth, but it will not soften a stone; but
Christ’s blood mollifies a stone. It softens a heart of stone. It turns a flint
into a spring. The heart, which before was like a piece hewn out of a rock,
being steeped in Christ’s blood, becomes soft and the waters of repentance flow
from it. How was the jailer’s heart dissolved and made tender when the blood of
sprinkling was upon it! “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). His
heart was now like melting wax. God might set what seal and impression He would
upon it.”
Thomas Watson’s (1620 – 1686) ‘The Mystery of the Lord’s
Supper’ based on Matthew 26: 26-28 Printed by Soli Deo Gloria Publications Morgan, PA
1997 Pages 148-150